Do not be afraid to write.
And not worry about wasting paper!

You can become the author of Reomy. To do this, you need:
1. The desire to declare their values and ideas;
2. Willingness to share the experience of their own searches, trial and error;
3. The ability to make a story out of this that will be interesting and useful to our readers.

Why publish an article on Reomy? To share experience, get feedback from readers, organize your knowledge. If we like the article, we will publish it with an indication of your authorship and a link to you.

Benefits for the author. 1. Your photo and a brief description of professional activities in the header of your article
2. The ability to specify a direct link in the article to your resource (for example, to your service, which will be useful to Reomy readers).
Over time, as the necessary number of authors is recruited, we will add a portfolio function for authors - a personal page with links to social networks and a personal site, a biography and a list of published articles.

What are we writing about? We love sports, health and travel, we talk about relationships and finances, do not neglect the selection of films and books, write about technology innovations, devices and useful programs, share beneficial discounts and practical tips for all areas of life.

If you have cool ideas for cooperation, then write to

Send article

Do you want us to write about a specific product or company? —

Read the terms or write directly to e-mail.


Dozens of people send us articles daily. We do not publish most of these articles due to insufficient quality of material.

The only way not to waste your and our time is to carefully read the requirements and comply with them:
  1. Your article must be unique. Publication in other media outlets is not permissible.
  2. The article should change the life of the reader for the better: to teach, educate, entertain. Even better — all at once.
  3. Check out our published articles and headings to understand the format. For example, study the topic «Lifestyle», if you write about various tips and life hacks. Use the search on the site to check if there have recently been any articles similar to yours.
  4. If you want to tell how not to break your back, doing yoga, how to develop a business or eat right — you should have practice in this matter. Or you should be able to interview experts.
  5. Be prepared that we ask you to finalize the material. Perhaps more than once.
  6. The benefit of the article should not be to purchase your product or service. The reader should be able to apply your advice to improve your life without buying anything from you.

What topics to write articles on?

Reomy — it means being in harmony with oneself and with the surrounding reality. Pay equal attention to the development of the body, mind and soul. Build harmonious relationships. To do something that increases the amount of good in the world. Based on this, we determine topics of interest to our magazine:
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Managing emotions
  • Making important decisions (change of profession, moving ...)
  • Relationships with other people
  • Family and parenting
  • Awareness
  • Productivity
  • Goal setting
  • Planning
  • Self-development tools (practical experience)
  • Information Search and Processing
  • Learning languages ​​and how to use them
  • Memory Development
  • Knowledge gained from books and experience with their use
  • Creativity and creativity
  • Self-realization (business as a way of self-realization, self-realization through creativity)
  • Calling Search
  • Relations with money
  • Charity
  • Minimalism
  • Traveling as a medium for personal transformations
  • Translations of English-language articles of a similar subject

Of course, these are far from all aspects of an interesting life. Suggest your topics — we will gladly consider them.

What we do not publish

  1. We filter texts on marriage, pregnancy and maternity leave. Reomy's audience comes across similar texts at best with indifference.
  2. We do not publish texts on parenting, child psychology, early development and other materials that are more relevant on sites for parents.
  3. We rarely publish articles that describe the experience of losing weight and refusing any foods, or vice versa, their regular use. We believe that such recommendations are impossible without an expert assessment and mention of all side effects. Since Reomy is not a specialized health project, we decided to continue to refrain from such topics.
Send your articles and ask questions regarding the preparation of the material:
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