Do not be afraid to write.
And not worry about wasting paper!
You can become the author of Reomy. To do this, you need:
1. The desire to declare their values and ideas;
2. Willingness to share the experience of their own searches, trial and error;
3. The ability to make a story out of this that will be interesting and useful to our readers.
Why publish an article on Reomy? To share experience, get feedback from readers, organize your knowledge. If we like the article, we will publish it with an indication of your authorship and a link to you.
Benefits for the author. 1. Your photo and a brief description of professional activities in the header of your article
2. The ability to specify a direct link in the article to your resource (for example, to your service, which will be useful to Reomy readers).
Over time, as the necessary number of authors is recruited, we will add a portfolio function for authors - a personal page with links to social networks and a personal site, a biography and a list of published articles.
What are we writing about? We love sports, health and travel, we talk about relationships and finances, do not neglect the selection of films and books, write about technology innovations, devices and useful programs, share beneficial discounts and practical tips for all areas of life.
If you have cool ideas for cooperation, then write to
Do you want us to write about a specific product or company? —
Read the terms or write directly to e-mail.
Send your articles and ask questions regarding the preparation of the material: